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Recipe: Owen Kenworthy

By BlueSkyFriday


Owen Kenworthy, the head chef at London’s pioneering Pelican pub, cooks us Beetroot, Smoked Quinoa and Walnut salad. 

In 2021 Owen opened The Pelican on Notting Hill's All Saints Road in London in partnership with restaurateurs James Gummer and Phil Winser and developer Ritchie Squire.

The vision is a British pub in the 21st century as an integral part of the local community, led by values such as investing in people, respect for tradition and the environment and contemporary technique. 

Using only British produce drives total seasonality and the promotion of regenerative farming practices supporting soil health and animal welfare. 

Beetroot, Smoked Quinoa and Walnut salad

150g washed raw baby beetroots
Sour cream 40g
2 single grates of lemon zest 
Walnut oil 20ml 
Walnut halves 20g 
Smoked quinoa 30g 
Vegetable stock 60g 
Raspberry vinegar 10ml
A pinch of chopped dill
Black pepper

Bake the beetroots with a sprinkle of water, either in an ovenproof dish that completely seals or use tin foil but double fold it.  This allows the beetroots to cook in their own skin and locks in the earthy sweet beetroot flavour. Once soft allow to cool and peel gently with your thumb. 

Meanwhile, bring the vegetable stock up to the boil. Add the smoked quinoa, and simmer until all the stock has been absorbed. Allow to cool. Toast the walnut halves at 170c for 7 mins, after cooling crush slightly with the bottom of a bowl. 

Mix the lemon zest, half of the walnut oil and seasoning into the sour cream, spoon onto a plate, in another bowl dress the beetroots with the vinegar, salt, pepper, walnut oil, quinoa, walnuts and dill. Place gently on top of the sour cream. Finish with a sprig of dill. Enjoy! 

August, 2023


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