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Feature: Matilda Goad

By Georgia Maguire


Designer and creative consultant Matilda Goad’s signature scalloped edges have us swooning at BlueSkyFriday HQ. Now the Christmas tree has gone, we’re all longing to inject a bit of 2024 energy into our homes. 

Whilst lusting after raffia lampshades, clover-embellished matchbox sleeves and candy cane rimmed glassware, we decided we needed to know more about the woman whose unique, vintage-inspired designs have got the interiors world in a lather. And throwing out phrases like ‘neo country’. Whatever it means, we want it. 


And who knows, maybe some of her style will rub off on us. Here’s hoping. 


GM: Can you tell us a bit about how you got started?


MG: The brand evolved slowly - there was definitely no business plan in place. It started with a scallop lampshade and from those first salesI doubled the order. The brand has grown very organically since then. Its meant we have really put our roots down and focused on the operations side of things; being D2C, its so important to me that the customer journey is easy and enjoyable.


GM: How did you find the experience of renovating your own home? Did the pressure ever get too much?


MG: I loved it - I worked with my husband who has a building company, which made the process a little less stressful. We also worked this over time. Im a great believer in homes evolving and that they can’t be created overnight - be careful of trends and consider what you actually love and what works for the way you live. 


GM: Where do you seek inspiration? 


MG: Im enjoying going to a library right now, I love the switch off from the digital world and being immersed in books. There is an amazing library called Reference Point at 180 The Strand, which I adore.


GM: You have collaborated with the likes of Anthropologie and Papier, amongst others. How have you found the transition from working solo to being part of a team?


MG: We have grown slowly and I am so lucky to have an amazing, talented, hard-working team who are with me everyday. They are all so driven and an integral part of the company. We very much work alongside one another and I love bouncing ideas around. As a small company, I think this is so important to have a 360 view of what’s happening. 


GM: What are your top London hangouts?


MG: Koko, Brutto, Estelle, Strakers.


GM: How do you wind down?


MG: Time off my phone hanging with my little buds.


GM: And finally, what trends are you loving for 2024? 


MG: Im very into nickel - we are introducing this as a new option into existing ranges on the site. It feels fresh and modern, but surprisingly subtle.


January, 2024

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