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BSF Podcast of the Month #1 Elizabeth Day: How To Fail

By BlueSkyFriday


Whatever your jam, there’s something out there for everyone in Podcast Land. So we decided that each month, we’d share with our members what’s in the ears of the team at BSF HQ.

First up is Astrid Harbord, one third of BlueSkyFriday’s founders. She tells us about her current most listened to podcast, How to Fail with Elizabeth Day. Each episode, Elizabeth and her famous guest go on a voyage of discovery, celebrating the things in life that haven’t gone right, and what they’ve learned from these experiences. 

Astrid says: 

‘Elizabeth always interviews such interesting people and manages to forge an immediate, deep connection with them, so they reveal their failure in a very vulnerable and honest way. It’s so inspiring and gives one the confidence to try new things and not worry about failing!’ 

If you have any thoughts on this or recommendations of your own you’d like to pass on, we’d love to hear from you, so please do get in touch. Happy listening! 

February, 2024

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