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Feature: Laura Stoloff

By Georgia Maguire


Laura Stoloff is a creative consultant and stylist. She lives between New York and London.


GM: Hi Laura, congratulations on the launch of Pure Formes. We are loving your selections at BSF HQ! Please could you tell our members a little bit about it?

LS: Pure Formes is a very personal project to me as I wanted to share my behind-the-scenes inspiration with a larger audience. It’s an inside look into my style mood board of the moment, my top three items and how to style them.

GM: How do you go about choosing what you’re going to feature?

LS: I only feature products that I have tested or that are on my personal wish list. I always start with an overall mood board that reflects what I’m inspired by at the moment – whether art, vintage photographs or street style. From there, I incorporate friend recommendations or research from websites and social media. I love finding new and undiscovered brands and giving support to those starting out in the industry.

GM: Your style is amazing. How personal are the Pure Formes selections? 

LS: Everything is personal, which is important during a time when we are recommended an endless amount of products through marketing and influencers. I’ve always been discerning with what I purchase, which comes from my knowledge of retail (when I was the Associate Fashion Director of Barneys New York ) and editorial (at WSJ. Magazine). Both experiences helped me refine my eye.

GM: You’ve been in the industry for 15 years. Have you noticed any changes in that time?

LS: The industry has transformed in various ways and it’s important to evolve with it, instead of looking back or wishing it were the same. Overall, I would say it has become much more democratic. When I first started out, I was interning at a high level magazine in New York City and it was like a club that not everyone could access. Now it feels more open and with Instagram, everyone has the ability to show their talents and be more individualistic.

GM: You were Executive Fashion Editor at WSJ. How did you find the leap from being part of a big institution to working for yourself?

LS: I’m grateful for the experiences I had in the industry as they prepared me for what I do today. Working for a larger company allowed me to create a network, refine my skills and see the inner workings. It was a bold leap, but I’ve never looked back. You need a lot of personal accountability when you work for yourself, but there’s also a freedom to carving out your own path.  

GM: How does UK fashion compare with the US?

LS: It’s a hard comparison to make since there are many different styles in the UK (from East London, West London, to the countryside) but if I were to compare New York City with London, I would say women in NYC spend more on self-care (hair, nails, skincare and nutrition). You definitely have that in London but there’s a more polished aspect to New York City women.

In terms of style, New York City has more of a “fashion” customer; you see runway looks and current trends on the street. However, London is the epicenter of vintage clothing and Londoners really know how to source and wear it well. I stopped buying vintage a long time ago, but am now feeling inspired to revisit it.

GM: What are your favourite London discoveries?

LS: I love discovering new shops, restaurants and galleries. I recently met the founder of re-collection who had a pop-up last month. She curates vintage clothing and antique furniture and holds seasonal pop up shops. My other favorite is Rellik Vintage on Golborne Road. They have the most amazing selection of vintage earrings and jewellery that I buy for events. 

GM: Soho in London or Soho in NYC…

LS: I have to say Soho in New York City as I have many memories living in downtown New York. I always think of the corner of Prince and Mercer where there’s the iconic Fanelli’s Café and The Mercer Hotel. More importantly though, I had my wedding dinner and party in Soho last year! It will forever be a happy memory.

GM: What will you be wearing this summer?

LS: This summer I’m really loving a tailored short with a blouse or shirt from Charvet (an amazing store in Paris), linen shirt dresses in neutrals, sunglasses from Oliver Peoples and a Borsalino hat. I like to keep it simple!

GM: It’s nearly that time again. Can you point us in the right direction for flattering and stylish swimwear?

LS: It’s definitely a splurge but my one answer would be: Eres. I have tried and tested swimwear throughout my entire career and Eres swimwear lasts forever and looks the most flattering on the body. My personal favorite is the “Aquarelle.” You can also wear it as a bodysuit with shorts or a skirt on holiday. I always look for versatility when buying something new.

GM: And finally, holiday plans?

LS: I will be heading to Tuscany, a small town in the South of France and most importantly, attending Wimbledon!

June, 2024


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