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Feature: Anya Hindmarch

By Georgia Maguire


Legendary accessories designer Anya Hindmarch joins BlueSkyFriday in seeing out 2023. And what a year it’s been. 

GM: Hi Anya! Congratulations on all of your amazing achievements this year. Your grotto is the dream! Have you had fun creating it? The Christmas season must be all the more exciting with your very own Father Christmas. 

AH: Christmas is my favourite time of the year, so we go all out in The Village. We are hosting over 2,500 children in Anya’s Grotto this year, taking them through our candy cane forest to find Father Christmas’ home. It really is magical and creates a very special atmosphere for us all. The Anya Cafe is also stacked high with festive treats, and we have our own wreath hut this year with legendary florist Rob Van Helden.


GM: The Village is such an embodiment of your creativity and ingenuity. How does it feel to have taken over Pont Street?

AH: The Village is our cluster of six stores on Pont Street in Chelsea, intended as a creative, ever-evolving place where we can build our community and create a series of miss them or they are gone experiences. Every good Village needs a great cafe, and ours serves re-invented great British classics, while our Village Hall changes concept every 6-8 weeks. ANYA LIFE houses our ever growing home and lifestyle collections while we also have special stores for our Collection, Labelled and Bespoke collections. I love it, it feels like home and somewhere that people can interact with the brand. 


GM: The Burlington Arcade shop is home to your eco-minded collection, Labelled. Do you think the industry as a whole is moving in the right direction?

AH: We always talk about progress not perfection – trying new things while continually researching and improving. Our Labelled Collection is made from our recycled nylon and is born out of a passion to make our lives easier. Our new Burlington Arcade store celebrates the collection in one of London’s most historic destinations. 


GM: You’ve even written a book, ‘If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair’, the best title ever. It seems incredible you managed to find the time (for hair washing and book writing). Are you rigorous about diary management?

AH: I am a self-confessed nerd - I need systems to keep everything going. I do find having a place for everything, and everything being in its place, helps clear my mind and lets the creative thoughts room to bubble up. 


GM: We love your Uniqlo collection. How long did that take to come together?

AH: Working with the Uniqlo team was amazing, I have learnt so much. The whole process took around 6 months but lots of very early morning meetings thanks to time differences! 


GM: And finally, any New Year’s Resolutions for 2024? Though let’s face it, you’ve probably already completed them. 

AH: I am not a huge one for resolutions – be kind to yourself, take a moment to enjoy what is around you and maybe get out walking! Keep your eyes peeled for more on that in The Village in the New Year….

December 2023


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