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Recipe: Broad Beans and Feta

By BlueSkyFriday


Gabriela Peacock’s Go-To Breakfast. If toast for breakfast in the morning is a favourite, this recipe will appeal. 


Broad beans, feta and chilli on toast

Broad beans are a rich source of fibre and B vitamins, so will energise you for the day, while feta is not only low in calories and fat, it contains beneficial bacteria and calcium, which is good for bone health.


150g broad beans, podded

20g feta

Small handful rocket

1 clove garlic

½ tbsp olive oil

1 lime, juiced

Pinch of chilli flakes

4 small slices rye bread 

There’s a lot to play with in this recipe – use edamame instead of broad beans if you prefer, or add an egg for a more filling option.

Add the beans to a saucepan of salted boiling water and cook for 3 mins. Remove from the heat, drain and run the beans under cold water until they’re cool. If you’re using fresh broad beans, remove each bean from its tough outer skin. Fiddly, but worth it.

Put half the beans, most of the feta, the rocket, garlic, oil and lime juice into a food processor and blend until smooth. Add the rest of the beans and briefly pulse until they are in chunky bits.

Spread the mixture onto your chosen toast, season well with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, crumble over the rest of the feta and sprinkle over the chilli flakes. Enjoy!

May, 2024


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